"Cause your daddy thinks it's sexy."
Sexy. What a universe is contained within such a small word. It encompasses ideas so varied, so open to interpretation....googling it may be more frightening than educational. In this crazy maze of variety and taste, (yes, I did once find a calendar in my college roomie's closet--smack me now--it had overweight men in lingerie. I considered lysoling my eyes.) the ideas of what is "sexy" are as varied as the proverbial fish in the sea.
There is a woman I pass frequently in the grocery isles. I probably pass the same 58 people on a regular basis and never realize it--however she is a tad memorable. Possibly a distant relative of Mimi on the Drew Carey Show, she has a passion for ice-blue eye shadow, meticulously applied orange lipstick, and garish Hawaiian print dresses. She resembles Mimi in more than just appearance, I might add. I nearly swallowed my gum when rounding a corner to hear her say to a small boy, "Ya little cracker, takin' up space with yer stupid boots, move it!" While I'm sure she has an endearing sweet side, the ensuing verbal battle between Mimi-twin and Cracker-mom was enough that I skipped the baking isle that day. Cake is simply not worth that particular mess.
But what occurred to me, was that sometime that very morning, she stood in front of a mirror before she left the house and thought, "Damn, I look good!" Most likely she has a husband who thinks she is the cat's meow...and I am truthfully rather grateful for this. The older I get the more I realize that if everyone liked the same thing, half the planet would be screwed! (not literally, mind you)
Which brings me back to sexy. I really wasn't kidding when I told my son that yesterday.
It was August. You could taste the heat....like salt and yellowed grass and pavement. I had been in my studio painting. My hair pulled up, I had paint--as usual--everywhere. My hands, my neck, my tank top was smeared with the colors of sky and sand....I smelled like acrylics and sweat. When I answered the door he said, "God, you're sexy." I laughed....and then we forgot about going out to dinner.
I was raised on a ranch which resulted with a hard ass case of physical labor addiction. Two days ago I spent nearly nine hours sanding and painting the entire front porch (which looks smashing, I must say) and am still sitting here with bruised knees and slivers in my fingers. But I love it. I adore the ache in my legs and the stiff muscles of my back after a hard day of work. And when nine times out of ten, he comes home to this....

Ummm.....yeah. That's me, week one, just after we bought the house last summer. Drywalling.
Rock. On.
I know, I know--how can anyone find that sexy?? He does. And this sweat inspired arousal is certainly not one directional! I'll never forget the day--we had been dating only a few months--and he had to change the fuel pump in his jimmy. One of those things that you think will take 2 hours and it takes 6. He came in covered with grease and oil and gasoline...I handed him a beer. And then knocked it to the floor as I nearly tackled him. He now jokes about making a Cologne, "Hard Labor," that smells of a garage.....I get breathless just thinking about it.
However, it raises the question: do we find only the aroma of hard work attractive.....or is it more than that? Could it be possible that the very IDEA of a man working hard, who accomplishes things, makes/builds/fixes things....productivity and creativity and sacrifice--that this is what flips my switch? In a world of couch potatoes and complainers, this dude throws down some scraped knuckles and damn, I melt. Perhaps my pheromones have met my perspicacity? Intelligence encounters lasciviousness.
Hang on....he's just turned off the lawnmower. Catch ya later.....
"However, it raises the question: do we find only the aroma of hard work attractive.....or is it more than that? Could it be possible that the very IDEA of a man working hard, who accomplishes things, makes/builds/fixes things....productivity and creativity and sacrifice--that this is what flips my switch? In a world of couch potatoes and complainers, this dude throws down some scraped knuckles and damn, I melt. Perhaps my pheromones have met my perspicacity? Intelligence encounters lasciviousness."
Spot on. That is great stuff.
I understand it all.
I think I'll go make a "Honey-Do" list ;->
Happy Friday Follow. I'm your newest follower. Have a great weekend, and Happy Mother's Day! Hope you get a chance to stop by me, and return the follow!
I guess I need to get to work :)
I agree, that is a fabulous paragraph. I suspect that we are meant to be attracted to someone who can work hard, provide for us, protect us, etc. Animals do mating dances. Okay, some people do, too. But some get hard-muscled and sweaty. Good genetic material. And sexy.
So you are saying that me sitting here reading blogs, lounging on the couch in my boxers and t-shirt, with a game on, drinking a diet coke at 10p, tap tapping away on the keyboard with my big soft hands isn't sexy?
That's it tomorrow, I'm gonna walk around all day wearing my tool belt! And I'm not showering!
I think you look very sexy, so there! I think it depends on how sweaty the guy is, sexy flees out the door for me if hubby is dripping (it hurts his feelings when I push him away when he trys to steal a kiss after he comes in from his run, but c'mon, I don't want a drink of sweat - spit)! I do think it is more of a guy thing, my guy likes me dirty too (actually, he just likes me anyway he can get me - wink)..
I have tried to explain this idea numerous times to my friends and all I get is "eewwwww". I am currently single and everyone is after me to start dating but the men they think would float my boat are guys who are not...well...Your last paragraph says it all. It made me breathless reading it. That is what I want.
The picture of you is classic...all Amazon woman like. I bet that porch looks incredible. I painted the outside of our house once and loved the physical part of the job.
Your description of the Mimi look a like is hilarious~!
Oh! I just had me a grass-cuttin' hunk a couple days ago!! They are the best!! And one of my other favorites....in the middle of August,(for 2 weeks in a row!) he comes home after baking in the sun and sweating all day at football camp....yumm. And aren't those just the special ones....that want you more when you feel less than attractive....or fresh out of the shower in old shorts and and a hair-dye stained T-shirt, lol. My sweet guy likes to remind me when I'm having a "fat day" that I was in fact 30 lbs. heavier when he first decided he had to have me....and says things like, "pretty blondes are a dime a dozen, but a smokin' brunette, that's where it's at." Ok....I better stop hogging your comment space!! Oh--and I don't remember you asking me permission to use that pic of us for your post!!! ha!
I agree and think that its sexy knowing that someone has been hard at work and their "stank" is highly arousing! LOL...at times its a lil put off, but knowing that your significant other has been doing something beneficial is all the more worthwhile...great post! I'm now a follower!
What is it about a man that fix things? HELLO! There is something so simple and honest about hard sweaty work that reveals a grit and strength of character, and it's hot.
Ha, I love it! It's all about those pheromones... we're programmed to want men who can do those things that keep us warm and safe. Long ago that meant wanting the man who could tackle the sabre-tooth tiger and bring home the boar bacon. These days, it's fixing up the mower. I'm not going to fight genetics!
I love a guy with rough worker hands. A man that does phhysical labor. That is why I am in the construction buisness! *evil little grin*
T--love an appreciative audience!
Ann--how'd that list go? ;)
Xmas Dolly--nice to meet you!
Irish--lol, crack the whip!
Bliss--"mating dances"...exactly! (love that)
Wow--just make sure your um...toolbelt, is well stocked. You never know what you might need...
Shrinky--lol! Totally.
Happy Hour--Mimi is alive and well. (saw her yesterday) And thanks, amazons rule!
Nicole--and speaking of amazons...lol! Your dude totally rocks.
Cassie--Seriously, I love the idea he's investing in "us," you know?
Therese--right, can you imagine if dudes just starting wearing tool belts out to the clubs at night?? Throw down!
Kirsty--why fight it? And I think my mower is more cantankerous than a sabre tooth...lol! (boar bacon--I'm still chuckling over that)
Danielle--you wicked girl, you!
Jeanette--nice to meet you!
Amen, sister!! HOT!
you are bringing back a memory of mine...
from high school...
Thanks, it was a good memory...
Oh man, I think a guy who works hard is DANG sexy. I just blogged about watching my husband working outside & how I think it's so attractive!
I absolutely love your writing. And I love your comments, too. I hope it's okay that I've included you in "Commenters Say The Darndest Things" ???
Reminds me of a Fiona line, "I don't understand about diamonds and why men buy them/Whats so impressive about a diamond?/Except the mining?" My man left a white t-shirt at my house before he went away on vacation. I slept with it for a couple days before finally tossing it in my hamper. Love, love the smell of a good man.
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