Thursday, October 6, 2016

The days pass and the clocks tick and it's a new......Season.

Sometimes I feel as if the sky is another shade of blue than before...but I fear it is I that has changed, not the sky.  I'm not exactly sure how to pick up where I left off here - how does one play 'catch-up' and attempt to describe the color of the sky? 

I resigned from my job.

A week later one of my clients shot his girlfriend in the head. 

I made up my mind not to wait for permission or time or the right moment, but to finish some of my dreams.  I'm painting again.  And I've spent late nights and later midnights and even some very early before-dawns....and this happened. (my head is still spinning - please take a look, feedback?)

Some of it is here, some not.  Parts and bits and the sinews that knit my soul together. 

I'm at loose ends, looking to begin once more.  I may stumble some, and trip over stones and roots and the dark lumps that sneak up on us all in the twilight that hovers before the day....but I am determined to write my future, as much as live it. 

I will be back...please, what have you been up to??


The Path Traveled said...

Glad to see you back blogging, Chantel. You sound down but I know that being busy and writing again will help. It helps me. Walking helps me also. It gives me time to think. I am sorry things have been so out of sorts and hope that you will come out a stronger person.

Robbie Grey said...

So good to see your words. Me? Been busy, and my words have been pen to paper as of late. Hope to read more of you soon.

Chantel said...

Dear Path - Thanks for your kind words! To be honest sometimes you just need a shake up to rewrite your 'to do' list, you know? I'm not sure if you clicked the link in the middle of the post, but I finally got published! lol

Dearest Robbie - I had noticed some time gaps in your posting, here's to wishing your paper is fruitful! Actually, I did much the same, did you click the link in the middle of this post? ;) I'd love to get some feedback...

2023 said...

Sometimes THIS happens, but THIS never gets published. Wonderful. Glad you didn't ask, or wait, for permission.

Chantel said...

Mary!! Thank you, and yes - I'm finding permission to be slightly overrated.

Hi Marie - Thanks so much, I've missed being here. :)

ND Mitchell said...

Wonderful to read your words. Look forward to getting your book sometime. It's on my list. I'm working on a novel. Writing is fun!

Chantel said...

Lol David - thank you and yes, writing is fun! Please keep me in the loop as far as your novel, it will make my list too! :)

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Chantel, I haven't been around much either, so had missed this post and the announcement of your book. On my way now to check it out. I love your writing, so I expect to love your book!