Friday, June 6, 2014


The grim tang of irony lingers in the back of my throat as I type this.  My last post in March was laced with hope of a new season....and one arrived.  Please forgive my silence these last months--some things require the curling in of the soul in order to survive. 

At any rate, my missing months are here.  You know the blog drill, scroll down to April's first post: "April Fools" and read backwards from there.  Only ten posts.  I feel as if I penned them in blood.

Love to you all....


Geo. said...

Such strength! Such strength in you, in your whole family. My compliments and admiration!

Victoria said...

*Hugs* and awe. Sure puts stressing about paying the bills in perspective, eh?

Shelly said...

So thankful, so grateful. You're right- you can't bs God, but He'll never bs you, either.

Anonymous said...

... and then the seasons changed again. It will come around bella.

Still all my love and prayers. There is hope yet to be found.... you've already made it through this much - you've got this! (and you're not alone)

ND Mitchell said...

I could hardly breathe just reading this. You've had so much to deal with. Your faith is amazing. Love to all and I will pray too.

Shea Goff said...

Love to you as well.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Chantel I just read them all. Each and every one. Thank God they were able to get it! I know they said no promises but this must be a huge relief to at least know it's not showing up on scans now and that his hearing came back just like that.

terlee said...

You've been on my mind often of I know why. Blessings, my friend.

Out on the prairie said...

Sad to not hear from you, hope time heals all

Chantel said...

I'm not sure I have the words for the emotions that are still raging through me. Thank you all so much for your warmth and your prayers...within the human connection we find the soul of ourselves, don't we? Still a road ahead, but mountains behind. xo

Bretthead said...

Wow. I don't have words. One of the rare times in my life that is the case. You sure have them though. Ten heart wrenching posts filled with hope and fear. I'm very happy with the latest and sure hope that this is indeed the happy ending we are all wanting.

Since my words are jumbled, I'll borrow Dylan Thomas' - still need to get this tattooed on my arm! "Rage rage against the dying of the light!" May you and your husband rage on Chantel!!

Brian Miller said...

hey you have been on quite the journey..and i wanted to skip to the end but read my way through the ups and downs...i am so glad that it ended the way it did and i hope that all is well going forward...oy...

welcome back...