Friday, May 3, 2013

The Lilac Garden

Blossoms draped like Christmas garland


Swollen, their bouquet drips

Clusters of decadence in shades of violet…amethyst…lavender…blue

They call to me, singing

To lay beneath the boughs

Drowning in an ocean of perfume.
 Silver dew slides down my skin

A lover’s touch…

 Sweet Spring.


Anonymous said...

Full of promise & potential. In that environment, a little laziness would be emotionally productive. I think that the most fragrant & beautiful flowers are patient with & bemused by humans.

terlee said...

Just this morning I stuck my nose inside a lilac bloom and almost swooned at the delicious, exotic scent.

Your words capture it perfectly...

Robbie Grey said...

Still probably a month or so from lilac season here. When that happens, I know I'll be catching Sabina nuzzling them.

Geo. said...

This is a beautiful poem. Thank you.

Shelly said...

I could see that vibrant tornado of color as you described it. Lovely piece of renewal and hope.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Yum. A delicious poem, full of delicious images. Spring is taking its sweet time around here, but won't we be thrilled when it finally arrives!

Chantel said...

Mary--a little laziness is exactly what I need...but I'm afraid I am quite terrible at that.

Terlee--thank you, it's an amazing aroma, isn't it?

Robbie--irresistable, they are. :)

Geo--thank you!

Shelly--they really are stunning, somehow honest in their hue and fragrance.

Bliss--I am wishing you a beautiful long spring to enjoy!

Slyde said...

i just keep waiting for the day you finally write a poem about me....

Melissa Maris said...

I'm not kidding - I'm going to send you pictures of my yard just so you can write me some poetry about it. :)

Dee said...

Dear Chantel, the poem is rich in imagery and delights my senses. And the comment that "FrankandMary" left captures my attention with its wisdom. Peace.

Shea Goff said...

Thank you.
Thank you for allowing me to see it that way.

Smalltowngiggles said...

Spring is my favorite time of the year. Everything is green and the smells of all the flowering bushes are wonderful.